“I’m down from 189 to 138! I feel amazing and am in the best shape of my life!”

Hi, my name is Susan. Mom of adult boy and girl twins.
I just recently came across a way to get my old self back…
Back in my 20s and 30s it was so easy.
I used to:
Have energy that lasted all day
Easily get away with eating burgers, fries, pizza and ice cream
Never gain an ounce no matter what I ate
Maintain a trim figure without going to the gym at all
Feel confident in my clothes, and my swimsuit!
But that changed… Somewhere in my early 40s.
After 40 EVERYTHING Went Downhill. Fast.
Seemingly overnight, my once trim and petite figure started ballooning. I could not get away with eating whatever I wanted, unless I wanted to carry that around on my body forever!
I used to just burn everything off without a second thought, but now it seemed my body could no longer keep up.
My metabolism was not firing on all cylinders any more.
I could feel that my health was going backwards. I had such low energy during the day. And was falling asleep in front of the TV in the early evening.
That’s not who I am!
So, I would go to bed earlier at night, in the hope that it would give me better energy the next day.
But it didn’t work. Some nights I’d even sleep 10 HOURS, and still be dragging my butt the next day!
I knew it was bad. But even then I didn’t realize just how BAD it had gotten until I was visiting my family in California during the holidays.
I noticed a digital scale in the bathroom of the AirBnB condo I was staying in. I hadn’t owned a scale at home for years, so out of curiosity, I stepped on it.
I couldn’t believe my eyes! 189 pounds!
I was in shock and thought the scale must be wrong.
Wow, that moment hit me like a hammer.
I went over to the bathroom mirror, and forced myself to take a good long look.
And I mean REALLY look.
It was then that I realized that something had to change. I was tired, puffy, and bulging out all over the place. I was a mess.
I thought about that scale experience the rest of the day. That evening as I was getting ready for bed, I made a decision.
The Time Had Come To Get The “REAL ME” Back!
I tried everything I could think of.
I started walking, but that did not work. And it was so time consuming with no real reward.
I changed my eating. Many, many times.
I tried juice fasts, detoxes, elimination plans.
Believe it or not, I went vegan for a while. And then totally switched over to a high protein meat-only plan. Of course I had also tried Keto, Paleo, and every other fad.

I looked into old home remedies I would read about on the internet.
Weird concoctions I’d make in the kitchen.
Pickle juice, lime juice, cider vinegar, lemons. And even one that used SODA!
Have you heard the one about sleeping with an onion next to your bed to increase your energy levels? Yep – tried that too!
Eventually I decided that I needed to go to the doctor, and see what she had to say. Maybe there was more wrong with me than I realized.
What My Doctor Revealed Totally Shocked Me!

She calmly reassured me, “Susan, there’s nothing to worry about. This is not something you did wrong.”
She explained that the creeping of the scale over the years had ZERO to do with what I eat or how much I exercise.
She said, “Susan, we’ve known each other for quite some time now. She leaned in and said, “I don’t typically share this, but I want to show you something I learned recently that will help you.”
“It’s a bit unconventional” she said. “But it’s grounded in solid scientific research.”
I figured she was going to tell me about some miraculous pill or supplement that she could prescribe to help me.
Boy, was I wrong…
She introduced me to a simple 6-Second Morning Hack she’d learned about at a recent conference she attended.
“Believe it or not”, she said, “there are 3 remarkable benefits people have discovered using this method…
There was no need to change eating habits
There was no need for exercise
Women reported going down several dress sizes
“And it only takes about 6 seconds each morning.”
Handing me a slip of paper with a website address, she said, “All the details are right here.”
Eager to learn more, I couldn’t wait until I got home. Instead I immediately watched the video on my phone in the car.
As I sat there, captivated by the screen, I was blown away by everything I discovered.

Could something so simple truly be the solution. Could it?
Though questions swirled in my mind, my heart resonated with one word: “YES! This is Your Answer!”
And so, without hesitation, I followed my heart…
99% of People Have Never Even Heard of This

I’m so glad my doctor told me about this. I’ve been using this simple 6-second Method for a while now, and I am beyond thrilled.
I regularly find myself fitting into clothes I’ve not worn for ages.
And of course … I also get to go shopping for a new wardrobe. Now, that’s FUN!
But wearing new clothes and looking great is not even the best thing.
What’s most important to me is that I’ve got my energy back. I sleep well, and wake up refreshed. I’ve got all the energy I need to get me through the day.
I even started to enjoy exercise. I had so much energy to burn I had to do SOMETHING with it!
On top of that…
I feel younger. Dropping the excess baggage and feeling full of energy has given me a new lease on life. I feel like I am 30 again.
I don’t crave snacks any more. I can eat meals and feel satisfied. I’m not constantly back and forward to the kitchen looking for the next thing I can put in my mouth.
In saying that, I do enjoy my favorite foods still. I’m definitely not eating “rabbit-food”!
My blood sugar levels are more stable, and I have sustained energy through the day. No peaks and troughs.
Imagine If I’d Been Too Skeptical To Try This!
When I first learned of this 6-second method, I could easily have been skeptical.
I am so glad now that I wasn’t.
I absolutely love who I have become. I feel like the “REAL ME” is back. She was gone such a long time.
I have confidence that my health is now moving in the right direction, and that I will be around for my family. And one day… be able to run around after my grandchildren!
All because I learned about this amazing 6-Second Morning Hack.
I started to get a lot of questions from my friends and family, and I got tired of having the same conversation over and over again.
So I just now give them a link to the same information that I was given.
I have no control over this video.
There was talk that it might be taken down due to a big pharmaceutical company that is trying to keep this method from being shared.
But last time I checked it was still up … Check it out for yourself.